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Laser Hair Removal Pre | Post Care

Here is a sheet for pre and post care for your laser hair removal session.

Preparing for laser hair removal:

Let's start with your preparation, what should and should not be done before your appointment.

  • Come in with a clean shave of the area. Shaving the day before is ideal, same day shaving could cause sensitivity and irritation. No waxing, sugaring or tweezing should be done for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment, we need the hair intact with the follicle.

- It's OK to shave as many times as you want in between treatments, there is no limit.

- Leaving any unshaved hairs results to the laser machine absorbing hairs above the surface of the skin instead of penetrating down to the base of the hair follicle. This may cause an adverse reaction.

- If you don't have anyone to help those hard to reach places, reach out to us and we could set up an appointment for your technician to help you out. A fee is included.

  • Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds and tanning products 2 weeks prior to treatment to prevent adverse reaction.

- Laser energy will absorb pigmented skin before it reaches the hair follicle, causing burning or discoloration. In some cases laser could still be offered but settings must be lowered to avoid adverse reactions. Meaning your hair free goal may be prolonged or you may be need more treatments to meet your goals.

-Sun burned skin, hot to the touch or peeling will not be treated!

- Sunblock will be your best friend especially if you are getting treated during the summer. I know it's tough to avoid sun exposure completely but try your best to keep it to a minimum. Be sure to reapply sunblock every 1-2 hours if the treated area can't be covered while outside.

  • Consult ANY medication prior to your appointment, oral or topical.

- Certain medications could intervene with your treatments causing the skin to become sensitized and may cause burning and blistering, lessening your results. Inform us prior to your next appointment of any new or changed antibiotics, birth control, photosensitizing medication, hormone medication, whether oral or topical. It's better to be safe than sorry!

  • Skin should be clear of any lotions, deodorant, makeup or oils. Wipes are available.

  • Avoid physical activities that raise body temperature for at least 2 hours prior.

  • Menstruating women are ok to get treated, please keep area clean and keep in mind you will feel more sensitive.

  • Tattoos cannot be treated.

  • Pregnant women cannot be treated. Wait about 6 months until after birth to continue treatments.

  • Bare Aesthetic Spa will not treat breastfeeding mother's on the breast tissue or areola, there is no scientific evidence that confirms any risks but we want to keep both mom and baby safe.


Post Care:

Now that we've gone over your preparation, post care is just as important for your treatments to go as smooth as possible.

  • Redness and irritation is common. This could last up to 24-48 hours but subsides fairly quickly for most.

- The area may feel sunburned after treatment, if any uncomfort or sensitivity persists, a cold compress could be used to relieve the area. Aloe Vera also works excellent for any relief.

  • Crusting and blistering may occur, don't panic it's common.

- Heat from the laser can cause the skin to lose its moisture and dry out the area creating crusting (flakey skin). Do not pick at the crusting as you could open a wound resulting in bleeding, scarring or scabbing.

- Keep the treated area moisturized regularly with a fragrance-free moisturizer. Healing ointments such as Neosporin or Hydrocortisone cream may be used if necessary.

- Crusting could last up to 1-2 weeks and falls off naturally.

  • Avoid hot showers, baths, swimming pools, saunas and physical activities that raise body temperature for 24 hours or it may feel like a true sunburn sensation. Use a cold compression if needed. Healing skin is prone to infection.

  • Avoid sun exposure at least 1-2 weeks after treatment. The skin is now at its most sensitive state and is prone more than ever to hyperpigmentation.

- Always apply sunblock or sunscreen (minimum SPF+30) if out in the sun and cannot be covered. Be sure to reapply every 1-2 hours!

  • Do not exfoliate area within 5 days. This may cause discoloration and scabbing to the skin.

- Within 5 - 30 days, what may seem to be hair stubble could be the dead hair pushing its way out of the follicle. They fall out fairly quick but could be helped with exfoliation after 5 days of the treatment date.

-I recommend for facial areas treated, after 24 hours of treatment, in the shower take a warm towel and gently slough off the visible hairs, do not vigorously scrub.

  • Stay away from makeup, lotions and oils until irritation subsides.

  • Hair growth may vary.

- Hairs should start to feel thinner, finer and patchier with only a few sessions. It takes a minimum of 8 sessions to start seeing clearance. In rare cases, some may notice more hair growth. Yes, it's normal. Medications, hair growth cycle and many other factors may interfere with the reason why there is more growth, staying consistent with your sessions will get you where you need to be for your hair free goals.

  • Facial areas are booked every 4-6 weeks

Body areas are booked every 6-8 weeks.

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