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Eyelash Lift & Tint Pre | Post Care

Not only is the process quick and easy to transform your lashes but so isn't preparing and caring for them.

Preparing for your appointment:

  • Don't use any oils or eye makeup, especially waterproof mascara.

(it will leave behind unwanted residue preventing the the lashes from lifting)

  • Avoid curling lashes prior to treatment.

  • Remove contact lenses.

  • Please avoid treatment if experiencing any eye infections!

Post Care:

  • Don't wet your lashes within the first 24 hours.

  • Though it won't be needed, avoid mascara for about 24 hours and use a water-based product.

  • Don't rub or tug on lashes. If eye becomes itchy or irritated by doing so, use a cool compress and gently press until the feeling subsides.

  • If you will be using makeup remover use an oil-free product.


  • Brush lashes daily using a lash brush to retain shape.

  • If you are trying to grow your lashes out 2-3 days after treatment you could start to brush on an oil-free lash growth serum. Night time is best. Using oil based products will shorten the results.

  • Try sleeping on your back, sleeping on your side may misshape the lashes. If not possible make sure to brush daily.

Wait at least 6-8 weeks before booking your next appointment.

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