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Dermaplaning vs. Shaving

Dermaplaning and shaving are two completely different services, with different tools to achieve different goals! While they both involve the use of a blade moving across the skin, that is the only commonality they share!

A shaving blade is a flexible blade designed to remove only hair from the surface of the skin. The proper angle to use a shaving blade is 30-35 degrees, and the blade is flexible so that it ‘floats’ over the surface of the highly lubricated skin. (Think about a man’s double-edged shaving blade: it is bendable so that it flexes as it glides over the skin. Even the blades women use to shave their legs are flexible blades that are housed in a plastic guard or sleeve.)

On the other hand, a dermaplaning blade is a rigid scalpel blade designed to exfoliate several weeks of dead surface cells from the face. The proper angle to use a dermaplaning blade is 45 degrees, and we stretch the skin into more or less small flat sections to match the blade so that it can clear away the vellus hair with the first 2-3 strokes. Then we begin to remove or “plane” away the dead skin cells with the subsequent strokes. This is the reason we use 6 to 8 strokes on the skin over the same area or section of skin. We want that exfoliation to take place!!!

In short: a shaving blade can only shave the face. A dermaplaning scalpel exfoliates the skin.

Deborah Anne Ellis, LE, LMT

Dermaplane Pro

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